Работа контроль производства Бекабад, 6 актуальных вакансий

  • Electrical Engineer for Maintenance

    ENERSOK Узбекистан, Бекабад 14 дней назад
    ENERSOK Foreign Enterprise LLC a Project Company funded by the following sponsors: Electricité de France (EDF), Nebras Power, Sojitz Corporation and Kyuden International. ENERSOK is in charge of the construction and operation maintenance of the Syrdarya 2 ...
  • Electrical Technician for Maintenance

    ENERSOK Узбекистан, Бекабад 14 дней назад
    ENERSOK Foreign Enterprise LLC a Project Company funded by the following sponsors: Electricité de France (EDF), Nebras Power, Sojitz Corporation and Kyuden International. ENERSOK is in charge of the construction and operation maintenance of the Syrdarya 2 ...
  • I&C Engineer for Maintenance

    ENERSOK Узбекистан, Бекабад 14 дней назад
    ENERSOK Foreign Enterprise LLC a Project Company funded by the following sponsors: Electricité de France (EDF), Nebras Power, Sojitz Corporation and Kyuden International. ENERSOK is in charge of the construction and operation maintenance of the Syrdarya 2 ...
  • Lead Electrical/I&C Engineer for Maintenance

    ENERSOK Узбекистан, Бекабад 15 дней назад
    ENERSOK (a Project Company funded by Electricite de France (EDF), Nebras Power, Sojitz Corporation and Kyuden International ‘the Sponsors’) is proposing the construction and operation of the Syrdarya Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Project (the ‘Project’ ...
  • Главный бухгалтер на производство

    от 8000000 UZS
    BA Holding (CHINA HOUSE) Узбекистан, Бекабад 17 дней назад
    Majburiyatlar: Elektron soliq hisbotlarini topshirish Elektron hujjat aylanmasi Schotlar rejasi bilan ishlash Statistika hisobotlarini topshirish Mulk, majburiyatlar va xojalik operatsiyalarining buxgalteriya hisobini yuritish Asosiy vositalar, ...
  • Финансовый менеджер

    от 12000000 UZS
    BA Holding (CHINA HOUSE) Узбекистан, Бекабад 2 дня назад
    ... : Уполномоченное управление финансовыми потоками компании; Контроль доходов расходов компании, обеспечение эффективного ...