Работа информационный агент Китаб, 4 актуальных вакансий

  • Агент по продажам в город Китаб

    до 6000000 UZS
    HUMANS LAB Узбекистан, Китаб 6 дней назад
    VAKILLARIMIZGA NIMALARNI TAKLIF QILAMIZ: - Ishdagi moslashuvchanlik. Ishni istagan boshqa mashgulot bilan birgalikda olib boring: oqish, dam olish, oilaviy majburiyatlar yoki boshqa ish;- Har hafta mukofot: siz tez va qancha sotsangiz shuncha daromad ...
  • Automated Testing in Java Trainee

    EPAM Uzbekistan Узбекистан, Китаб 24 дня назад
    Striving to gain market-oriented knowledge and skills to jumpstart your career in IT? Apply for this program and shape your professional path with EPAM experts. Details If you have basic programming skills in Java, understand testing processes and aspire ...
  • Automated Testing in .NET Trainee

    EPAM Uzbekistan Узбекистан, Китаб 24 дня назад
    Striving to gain market-oriented knowledge and skills to jumpstart your career in IT? Apply for this program and shape your professional path with EPAM experts.Details If you have basic programming skills in C#, understand testing processes and aspire to ...
  • Automated Testing in JavaScript Trainee

    EPAM Uzbekistan Узбекистан, Китаб 24 дня назад
    Striving to gain market-oriented knowledge and skills to jumpstart your career in IT? Apply for this program and shape your professional path with EPAM experts. Details If you have basic programming skills in JavaScript, understand testing processes and ...